🌹🌸A Little something about me, inshaaAllah🌼

Holds a BA and MFA in the areas of Film, Landscape Photography and Theatre Arts Productions from The City University of New York, Umm Khadiijah Al Liybeeriyyah is a homemaker, educator, an adult and children’s author, landscape photographer and filmmaker. Two of our work has been published in the California State University at Northridge Review and The Kapu-Sens Review. She was born in Massachusetts and raised in the States and also in West Africa. She enjoys serving her Lord, taking care of her family and learning the Qura’an, Sunnah, Arabic and other Islaamic Foundations. Her writings focuses on children and women studies in Al Islaam. She recently published her first children’s book called Say Alhamdulillah and is currently looking work on two books for youth and adult novels. In shaa Allah. She currently lives in New York City her husband and five children. Alhamdulillah.